Being the oldest paradigm of medicine, the use of plants provides significant advantages for treating many health conditions. Herbal medicine specialises in on-going chronic health conditions, such as autoimmune, skin, and age related conditions. Stress has a huge impact on health and wellness, it can stem form physical, emotional or environmental sources and is an area where herbal medicine can provide complete support. Hormonal imbalances, fertility enhancement, urinary health to digestive problems are all within the scope of herbal medicine.

Herbal medicine is indispensable in supporting an individual through the transition phases to greater health. Herbal medicine is increasingly being validated by scientific investigation. This means that a herbalist can progressively turn to the scientific community for current research as well as look back at centuries of traditional knowledge. Lieke Bliekendaal at Vitonix welcomes these scientific validations which broadens the understanding of medicinal plants.

At Vitonix, Lieke Bliekendaal holds science based Bachelor in Natural Medicine which is aligned with international university research, as well as biochemical and pharmacological training. Lieke loves herbal medicine and is working in Auckland as a registered medical herbalist.

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